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"Knowing God by Name" Bible Studies . . .

Discovering the Goodness of God in His Old Testament Names

Throughout the Old Testament, beginning at Creation and going all the way to the end in the writings of the Old Testament prophets, God has progressively revealed himself – shown us who he is by giving himself some unique and descriptive names. Names like Elohim God and Mighty Creator; El Shaddai God Almighty; El Roi the God who sees me; Yahweh Rophe The Lord who heals and Yahweh Shalom The Lord is Peace.

The names of God found in the Old Testament reveal and confirm God's character -- his heart, his provision, his power and especially his goodness. Knowing God by name is important knowledge because one must know God before one can ever hope to enter into an intimate love relationship with God.

God's names were usually revealed at a significant turning point in a person's life, often at the point of their deepest need. The lessons in Knowing God by Name will cover the person or the event in the Old Testament where God's name is revealed and will also consider what the name of God means, both for those to whom it was given and also for us today.

Knowing God by Name Course Description

Various Names of God Chart

Bible at a Glance Chart

Knowing God by Name - Overview Lesson

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 1 - Elohim
Lesson 1: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 2 - El
Lesson 2: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 3 - El Roi
Lesson 3: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 4 - El Shaddai
Lesson 4: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 5 - El Elyon
Lesson 5: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 6 - El Olam
Lesson 6: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 7 - Adonai
Lesson 7: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 8 - Yahweh
Lesson 8: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 9 - Yahweh Jireh
Lesson 9: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 10 - Yahweh Rophe
Lesson 10: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 11 - Yahweh Nissi
Lesson 11: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 12 - Yahweh Shalom
Lesson 12: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 13-Yahweh Sabaoth
Lesson 13: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 14 - Yahweh Rohi
Lesson 14: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 15 - Yahweh Tsidkenu
Lesson 15: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 16 - Yahweh Shammah
Lesson 16: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 17 - Yahweh Mekadesh
Lesson 17: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Lesson 18 - Father God
Lesson 18: Scripture Handout

Knowing God by Name - Review/Reflection Questions

Knowing God by Name Facilitator's Guide

Isaiah 61:3